Emotional mastery starts here:
Fundamentals of Somatic Therapy
Learn the mechanics of how the body releases trauma, stress, triggers. Masterfully navigate the biggest emotions for yourself and others.
NOW JUST $25!!
Click here to purchase!Learn somatic techniques for your own healing journey OR to use with your clients.
Somatic therapy allows us to have a direct conversation with the UNCONSCIOUS mind (you know, the part that's truly governing your emotions and mental health?). This gives us power to rewire behavioral, mental, and emotional constructs at speeds modern psychotherapy thought was impossible.
In this 6 video training you'll learn:
The Fundamentals of trauma and the nervous system - how they function, and how to heal.
The 5 channels of awarness - The core concept upon which all true somatic therapy is based.
Easy and effective techniques for working with each channel to facilitate emotional release and neural rewiring.
Sometimes you just want to explore tools...
So lets get you familiar with "Somatics".
- The word "Somatic" Just means "in relation to the body as opposed to the mind". So some people will refer to yoga, dance, EFT (tapping), or breathwork as somatic therapy!
- But true somatic therapy is based the understanding that we have 5 senses to navigate our outer world, and 5 senses to navigate our inner world.
- When we understand how to move awareness through these inner senses when we experience a big emotion, it's like moving that energy through a DIGESTION process that actually allows them to release.
So if you've been looking for a great introduction to somatic therapy, for yourself, your loved ones, OR for your clients -
I created a distilled, easy to digest, affordable intro to somatic wisdom.

"Kaira's training was exactly what I was seeking. Learning about the nervous system and somatic therapy was immediately helpful in my current healing arts practice. However, its been incredibly profound in regards to my own healing."
Jen Roseman - Somatic therapy & Psychedelic facilitation certification student
This special offer will only be available for a limited time,
and it's never been easier to say yes.

Fundamentals of Somatic Therapy
A comprehensive 6 video series
Begin your journey into somatic wisdom with this fast, easy to digest course. Get familiar with all the basics of somatic therapy as you learn simple, effective tools you can apply right away! Whether you're healing your own trauma, or you've made healing your life's work, this is the perfect place to start.
Learn how you function
This course is packed with helpful info about the nervous system, trauma healing, and how to help the body feel and digest emotion properly - Without burning yourself out.
6 simple video lessons
These 20 min. video trainings are designed to be wildly personally impactful and truly simple to understand. Perfect for seasoned healers looking to enhance their practice AND individuals looking to take major leaps forward on their own healing journey!
Practices you'll want to share with everyone.
Each lesson comes with several prompts, exercises, and practices that will leave you thinking and feeling wildly differently about your emotions & healing journey.
Here's what I know
Your body knows exactly how to heal emotionally and physically... But

We often try to use the mind when big emotions are present - accidentally thwarting our body's intuitive emotional processes.
This mini series will familiarize you with a miriad of easy, effective ways to tap into the body's natural intelligence and support our natural mammalian stress release strategies - Bringing you back to regulation and safety. This course also teaches you to:
Use the 5 channels.
This incredible cornerstone of somatic therapy teaches us that there are 5 avenues that human bodies use to process emotions and nervous system "charge". You'll learn what they are, and how to work WITH them to gently and quickly move through big feelings and teach your body to stabilize itself into grounded safety and peace. Because:

Whether you avoid your feelings, or feel them TOO MUCH
You carry the inherent potential for regulation and a healthy, intimate, and constructive relationship with your body, emotions, and soul. This course is a gift from my heart to yours. A simple, affordable doorway into the world of strategic body-based subconscious reprograming so you can find your power to create the emotional landscape you want.
This special offer will only be available for a limited time,
and it's never been easier to say yes.

Join our private FB community!
FREE weekly somatic and psychedelic healing trainings
Many people don't realize that Somatic Healing has it's roots in plant medicine. Whether you're familiar with the latest news on the healing properties of psychedelics, or you're just wanting a community and resources to support your somatic learning, join us in our private FB community!
Our FB group is basically a free course with new content weekly!
And a supportive community devoted to deep, powerful healing

Sarah Rochowiak
"I love all of this program, I'm staying up till the late hours watching the videos and implementing it. I'm telling everyone about this."

Angela Doyle:
"Kaira is not only a gifted somatic therapist, but her ability to clearly articulate what she is teaching and her willingness to share all her wisdom are what have made this program worth it for me."
Meet your teacher
Hi, I'm Kaira Mayestra
Whether you found your way here through my music, or you have just followed the threads of your intuition and desire for deep somatic wisdom, I welcome you whole-heartedly.
I began my somatic journey with Plant medicine and learned through my work with DMT that somatics is like a language that speaks to our unconscious minds. Once we learn this language we gain access to a direct conversation with our nervous system, our emotional reactions, and our mind's autopilot setting - Our Subconscious. We harness the power to heal trauma and change who we are being on the most fundamental levels.
I walk my talk. I used this "language" to heal my own trauma, weekly panic attacks, and devastating relationship patterns, then rewired myself into the woman I want to be, including having the relationship of my dreams, a consistent 25K month income, and owning a healing business in alignment with my soul. I know in my bones that radical shifts are possible and that we have the power to chose them.
Welcome to my world, babe!

This mini-course is perfect for you if:
- You've been looking for somatic, trauma, and body based emotional release wisdom.
- You (or your clients) have been looking for tools to help yourself release (and regulate after) big emotions.
- You (or your clients) are feeling disconnected from your emotions, desires, truth, and are looking for a way "in" to your own self.
- You (or your clients) are or have expereinced physical symptoms that you suspect are emotionally based (inflammation, insomnia, gut issues, chronic pain, headaches, fibro, etc.) and you are ready to take a revolutionary approach.